is coke halal
This includes countries where Islam is the major religion Schweppes Lemonade Shandy - Alcoholic drink HARAAM The rest are Halaal according to information provided however please note that Coca Cola has not responded to our question about alcoholic flavourings. There is a persistent reliance on riba in Coca-Colas operations. Pin On Product However one should avoid such things as they are harmful to ones health. . It is permissible to use them in food and medicine in very small amounts that are absorbed into the prevalent halaal and pure substance. Bonita Holder of Coca-Cola replied. However one should avoid such things as they are harmful to ones health. Is Coke Cola Halal or Haram. Britvic Rubicon and Libbys drinks have clearly declared alcoholic flavourings. However in many countries especial Islamic countries Coca-Cola has received Halal certification on many of their products. According to my research t...